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Bushiri insists daughter’s referral to Kenya for medication

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has asked the Malawi Government to allow him to have his eight year old daughter to fly to Kenya for medical attention.

In a statement dated February 22 2021, signed by the Bushiri’s Spokesperson, Ephraim Nyondo, says the Prophet has a strong belief in the leadership of the country and that he believes he will be granted his plea to fly his daughter to Kenya.

Reads the statement in part: “I have strong belief in the leadership of this country and I am certain that it will positively consider our plea and request that the child must go and have medical care just as she was referred by the doctor.”

According to Nyondo, Bushiri believes that God heals and doctors treat. He said therefore, the daughter must be reffered to abroad for the medical care, like any other citizen of this country.

“Having worked with the Prophet for many years, I have noticed that he is a man of faith who believes that doctors treat; but it is God who heals. He believes the child has a right to life and access to medical attention just as any other citizen,” added Nyondo.

Nyondo was quick to point out that this was not the first time for the daughter to be reffered to Kenya for medical attention, saying she does go to Kenya regularly for medical care. Adding that her condition is now worsening.

Nyondo said: “It must be underlined that this was not the first time for the child, due to her medical condition, to be referred to Kenya for medical attention. The child has been flying there several times and I am shocked with this isolated blocking.”

Meanwhile, according to Nyondo, soon after the daughter was denied exit to Kenya, police had issued warrant of arrests for the Prophet and his wife Mary. Which he said, it was thwarted through a court injunction obtained by the Bushiris’ lawyer.

“Startlingly, on the morning of Sunday, Malawi Police stormed one of Prophet Bushiri’s premises to effect the warrant of arrest, a move which his lawyers challenged through a court injunction,” said Nyondo.

On Friday, Police blocked the Bushiris daughter, who was on an accompany of three guardians to fly to Nairobi Kenya through a chartered ambulance plane at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in Lilongwe, for the medical attention.

Malawi Police is yet yet to comment on the Bushiri’s allegations.

MRB Reporter

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