
Ex Trap Squad Members Scuffle!

Members of the now defunct Trap Squad have discontinued any form of correspondence on social media following Chavura”s social media posts.

The former manager of the group; Ron Cz has blocked Chavura on all social media platforms. Chavura , who is a vehicle enthusiasit, has been making posts about a second hard VW car which Ron Cz took as subtle jabs aimed at him.

Its rumored that Ron Cz bought a second hand german car which has been giving him problems and milking his resources.

Ron Cz confroted Chavura and told him point blank that their relatioship ended with Revolvers death.

Ron Cz also parted ways with Chavura’s manager OGProFate years ago following comments made by the manager.

The manager made fun of Rons video skills after he purchased a drone. The manager hinted that Ron Cz spent more time taking videos and pictures of his drone than taking videos using the drone- which ended with Ron Cz blocking him on all socials.

This , we can say, is the final nail in the coffin!

MRB Reporter

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