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In todays edition of #ToTheTop we caught up with the budding rapper, Desz, who set the tone of his career when he released “Wat It Iz”. Desz talked to us about his music life and what we should expect from him in both the short and long term.

Z. Who is Desz?

D. Desz is a student, an artist and a first born in a family of five children. Real name Philip Thawani.

Z. Honestly I use to think you are Desmond or something. How did you come up with the name Desz?

D. I have a second name but it only has “DES” (Doesn’t end with “MOND”), so I just added a ‘Z’ to make it buzzing. I can’t mention the other name.

Z. So how did you start rapping?

D. I don’t really remember. Its really like the Big Bang theory. No choir, no musical background. Just a guy interested in the process of making music.

Z. So basically you have no one who inspired you to start rapping?

D. Exactly. Listening to music and watching rap battles on Facebook (S.W.U.G) really inspired me to write.

Z. What was the first song you ever recorded?

D. My first song was trash. I recorded it in 2017 at my friends studio. What happened was that the friend asked me to check if the mic was working, in the process I ended up doing a free style. This song was ‘Pressure Box’.

Z. Now let’s talk about the Mature Desz. I use to think “Wat It Iz” was the first song you recorded but I later on learnt that you had an EP before you released this song. Tell me more about that EP?

D. I was still developing my craft when I wrote a song ‘For Sure’ and I had it recorded at Back Star’s studio. When I was going to Zomba for school, I made him delete the session because I wanted it recorded at by Post Negative. When I got the song from Post, it blew my mind, I could not believe I could rap like that. So I decided to drop an EP and I named it “Come Up”. Describing my stage of music.

Z. It seems you haven’t been making music for a long time but surprisingly you are already this good. What is your secret?
D. I really think I was born to make music but I realised very late. I do not really have a secret.

Z. Then after dropping the Ep, what was your next project?

D. After the EP, I wanted to discover my artistry more. I went at Jeydak (Chilomoni) to record a track “Wat it Iz”, first ever single after the EP. When it was released, I liked what he did and I have been recording with Jeydak ever since.

Z. How can you describe the success of ” Wat it iz”? I am asking this because many of us knew you as a rapper after you released this song.

D. WAT IT IZ is one of my most loved songs. I don’t know why. It enjoys massive air plays on radio and its in places I have never reached. So it was a door opener for me as an artist.

Z. OK. You have mentioned that you work with Jeydak now ever since he produced this song. What’s that magic Jeydak does that other producers don’t to you?

D. From my story, I just started music with no knowledge about music production. So I solely depend on the producer to perfect my craft and Jeydak is that producer who understands me and my status. We connect on the musical level.

Z. So let’s say you have a chance to record at one of the top producers in the country, can you wave the opportunity aside?

D. No. Jeydak actually made me realise that I just need top quality producers. I can work with any top producer.

Z. You recently released “Street Lights”. What is this song about?

D. “Street Lights” was inspired by a walk I took with a lady in the street lights of Chanco. It is about men appreciating and encouraging ladies despite what ladies think of men.

Z. Is this a single or its part of a collection you are about to release?

D. Its a single. I have been dropping singles just to get people to notice my work.

Z. So those who follow your music, should not expect a collection from you soon?

D. The next project from me will be big. They should expect videos and singles now. But a project is coming.

Z. Cool. So where do you see your self in the next 5 years?

D. A really evolved artist who will be representing the country. I believe we can sell my craft to neighbouring countries.

Z. Lastly, where can people find your music?

D. I have songs on most sites, mikozinetwork, Malawi media, Ghettotunes, Soundcloud, Audiomack, Nyasamedia etc…. They should just search “Desz” plus they should be following me on Facebook @Philip Desz Thawani.

MRB Reporter

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