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Revolver: Malawi’s Rap Boogeyman

Ever since Revolver passed on , hip hop has been dull. Less exciting. With Revolver,you were guaranteed of drama, controversy and beef.Revolver was not a very technical rapper.

A good punchliner. People loved hating him. He was good at concepts. Sindidanda was a good concept. Mundione Pano was a good concept. Somebody or nobody was a good concept. I can go on. And Revolver had a way of bringing people together. His collaborations were top top.

Revolver was quick to jump in the studio with beef. Twitter fingers, yes. Facebook artist, yes. But he further took it to the booth.

These days, we have sissies of rappers. Rappers that when challenged are quick to start wailing as kids and turn into motivational speakers.

Songs are being released now with little replay value just because there is no context behind these songs.

The game has been rigged. Rappers have become comedians now.With Jay B trying to make a comeback,maybe we can get someone to shake things

RIP to Volver

MRB Reporter

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