International News

Uganda introduces COVID-19 test fee

The Ugandan government On Sunday evening, issued an order requiring agencies to charge $65 (£50) per test.

According to BBC report Organisations that plan to test their staff and individuals, who want to know if they have contracted the virus, will also have to pay.

The government in Kampala says the fee will contribute to the cost of managing the pandemic. So far, 350,000 people have been tested, revealing about 2,900 positive cases and at least 30 deaths.

People who have developed symptoms, or have been in contact with someone who has contracted Covid-19, will not have to pay.

It is feared the charge may undermine efforts to contain the virus, by discouraging people from getting tested.

It could also increase the cost of imported goods as truck drivers have to pay, as do any potential tourists.

MRB Reporter

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