

The Hip Hop ace revealed about his plans to release an album early next year through a Q&A with #ToTheTop and talked more about his yet to be released song with Macelba.

Z. How has your music journey been so far?

G. Good. Next move making my better next step. Am getting there.

Z. OK, has the support you have received taking the next step enough to make you even a better artist when you are making the next step?

G. I have very supportive followers, despite I lose some and some turned to enemies but the love is too realer. That’s what keeps me going.

Z. So who is Guntolah in general?

G. A Hip Hop artist who got singing vocals and deep rap flows, story teller and ghetto voice.

Z. So growing up, what inspired you to start rapping and who are your influences?

G. Before everything I should say I have been a fan of music, specifically Hip hop and RnB. My influences, mmmmmmh I could go for who is making it real at the moment, cause I have been inspired by so much talent.

Z. Who would you like to collaborate with at the moment?

G. Currently am focusing on working with myself. If you have been following, I have so much collaborations this year and its very stressful and hectic to get a big artist in a song, it takes more than just money and time. So I think people missed me and my perception only on a song.

Z. Talking about you working with big artist in the local scene, tell us more about your yet to be released song with Macelba, what is it all about?

G. Its a song that talks about how almost everyone got a dark side we don’t show to the world and how secrets can be destructive if they can be reviewed.

Z. Is this song a single or its part of a major project?

G. Am working on an album. It with be released next year, early months. Will specify later in the process.

Z. Have you decided already on the title of the album?

G. Yes. Only two planned songs remaining to get it done. But am not ready to announce about it, its a long way to go man.

Z. OK. So more collabo’s on the album or its you as you would like to give what your fans have been missing?

G. More details to come when time comes.

Z. Fine. Let’s talk about your “Koma Guntolah iweyo” branded T-shirts, how can your fans get one?

G. I have a Facebook page called #LouderOnlineshop or they can text me @Guntolah-iweyoo. Press an order then deliveries.

Z. OK fine. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from today?

G. Only God knows. But with the pace am taking, you can do the reflection.

Z. This question someone asked on the page. Is your diss with Waxy Kay only a music thing or you don’t vibe in person as well?

G. The people I vibe with you will see them in my life, if you talk about the list of people I don’t vibe with its just millions.

Z. Hahaha….. Well. So what’s you real name and apart from music what do you do?

G. I am Abdurashid Maloko and I have an advanced Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineer, I am an Entrepreneur as well.

Z. Lastly, going forward what should your fans expert from you?

G. Nothing less, only asking for the support and letting them know the love is mutual. For the real ones only.

MRB Reporter

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