International News

Ugandan presidential hopeful arrested, put under house arrest

Presidential candidate for opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) party and a popstar musician Robert Kyagulanyi well known as Bob Wine has today been arrested by Ugandan security forces.

His arrest came soon after he presented his nomination papers to Electoral Commission, ahead of January 2021 elections in that country.

Writing on his Facebook page Wine said:”This is the current situation outside my gate. I am effectively under house arrest. If anyone ever doubted Museveni’s cowardice, the writing is very clear on the wall. A little bit more effort and the despot will be history in our country.”

However, according to a statement released by the Ugandan Police, Wine was involved in a violence at the nomination venue, after he allegedly disregarded COVID-19 rules.

“As you are all aware the Electoral Commission issued very clear guidelines prohibiting all forms of processions and assemblies, to guard against the spread of Covid-19. In defiance of the Electoral Commission guidelines on processions and rallies, both Hon. Kyagulanyi Sentamu Robert and Eng. Patrick Oboi Amuriat were resultantly involved in violent running battles with the Joint Security Teams, following disagreements on their movement plans,” read part of the statement

Recently, police invaded on offices of NUP party and arrested the party’s followers, accusing them of owning security forces regalia such as berrete.

Wine will be challenging the incumbent President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who has stayed in power for 34 years.

MRB Reporter

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