Entertainment News

URBAN TRENDS: All female Platform 9 lineup

Platform 9, a Lifestyle Events brainchild is a mini acoustic concert that aims at promoting local talent in performance form, showcasing singers, poets, dancers and visual arts. 

The best part is that Platform 9 encourages the audience to bond with creative acts and also truly appreciate how talented they are by stripping away others distractions.

The series has previously hosted acts such as Eli Njuchi, Suffix, Classic, Luzio, Marumbo, Nandi, Kim of Diamonds and many more who are having very solid careers.

This week, excitement reached fever pitch ahead of the all female artists lineup acoustic concert scheduled to take place at Story Club Arts Café on Saturday, 7 November, 2020.

The all female lineup event aimed at encouraging creative women in arts and entertainment by providing a platform to showcase their talents.

The all female artist roaster includes award winning singer Kim of Diamonds, Phindu, Luki, Theresa, Esther Lewis, Dead Rose, RJ the DJ, Cynthia Zulu and Ray.

The all female lineup event is the 5th of a line of Platform 9 series.

To be honest, Platform 9 has always been innovative, going against the grain. The series is unique, the creative part speaks for itself.

One would be tempted to think that maybe the organizers were influenced by the disappropriate representention of females at the recently held festivals, Sand Fest to be specific.

Female artists have been sidelined in major festivals especially in Malawi despite the strides being made in women empowerment.

But, this event is unique in its way. This has always been the Platform 9 way.

Platform 9 is a breathe of fresh air.

A youthful initiative that promotes and encourages all artistic sexes regardless.

MRB Reporter

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