Local News

Police tip public on safety when visiting lake Malawi during Mother’s day

Police in Mangochi district has appealed to the general public to adhere to safety measures when visiting the beaches along Lake Malawi during Mother’s day celebrations.

Speaking to MRBvibes Online today Wednesday, Mangochi Police Deputy Publicity Amina Tepani Daudi said the appeal comes as mother’s day is around the corner and it’s a tradition that a lot of people especially women flock to various beaches like Mangochi to celebrate the day.

She said: “The public is reminded to adhere road safety measures such as avoid driving while drunk, put on seatbelts, over speeding, exceeding capacity and driving unworthy motor vehicles to avoid road accidents.”

In addition, the Station bemoans the tendency of sitting on the passenger’s doors while peeping outside when the vehicles are in motion.

Daudi also said to avoid drowning incidents, the public is encouraged to swim with life jackets, avoid swimming while drunk and odd hours.She further said Resort owners are reminded to protect their guests by not allowing drunkards into the waters and provide stewards(rescue party) who will be available to rescue people.

The Police has also appealed to Hotel/Lodge owners to have records of their guests to ensure that criminals do not take advantage of the season by posing as clients.

She added that parents and guardians are reminded to take care of their children, not to allow them loitering around especially female children.

She said they should not leave their homes unattended and avoid updating their movements and activities on social media.

According to Daudi, during Mother’s day in 2019, Mangochi Police recorded no serious crime and road incident and wishes for the same this year.

She therefore assured public of their safety and security during their stay in the district.

“The Police will be conducting intensive day and night patrols, boarder patrols and snap roadblocks to make sure that everyone is safe.The public is warned not to infringe rights of others and anyone who will be found violating laws will be dealt with accordingly,” Daudi added.

MRB Reporter

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