Entertainment News

BT Creatives Mingle at Limbe Country Club

Limbe Country Club will this Saturday, 12 September host an event dubbed “BT Creatives Mingle”.

BT Creatives Mingle organizer and arts professional Priscilla Cynthia Mhango said the event has been organised to create a safe space for creatives, entrepreneurs and art lovers to interact and share ideas.

She explained, “We want to bring together creatives from different sectors in the arts. We want to create a safe space where they can network and have fun.

“We will have an open Mic session where artists will share their journeys, inspire each other and collaborate. There will also be an art exhibition for visual artists to showcase and market their art.”

She then appealed to the public to book their seats in advance, saying limited spaces are available and all Covid 19 measures will be adhered to.

Book your free ticket by contacting 0991250293

MRB Reporter

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