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Give Pemphero a break

I read the article attached about Keturah and Pemphero Mphande and I beg to differ with the authors opinion. He is of the view that Keturah needs a music manager as Pemphero is more of a social media manager

First and foremost, we all know the incredible talent Keturah has and as a nation we expect her to carry the Malawian flag beyond corners of the earth. However, let’s give credit where it’s due. Careers for most artists of Keturah’s calibre die before fame because it is hard to push Keturah’s kind of music into the mainstream. Pemphero did that with ease.

Before Pemphero, Keturah was like a lost sheep without a shepherd. She looked like a misfit doing music that sounded too old for her. She needed someone to convince the current generation that Keturah is a force to be reckoned with. Pemphero came and answered her prayers. Now that she is a superstar, let’s not try to look wise. Renowned record labels and managers signed up bubblegum and garbage musicians over her. Pemphero is a visionary, he saw what we are all only seeing now.

The author also argued that by now Keturah should be conquering Europe and America just like Faith Mussa did. He further said that Pemphero lacks the connections and an understanding of industry politics to take Keturah’s brand abroad. I feel like that’s where he lost the entire plot. Do you seriously expect Keturah to conquer the world in just one years period? Let us give them time to build step by step. Last week, Keturah had her first show in Zambia. I believe that’s the first of many across the boarders and over seas. A musical career takes time to develop.

Their relationship is “confusing” yes and they’ve deliberately left it like that to get people talking. That’s why they always pose together and are mostly seen together. It’s a publicity stunt, nothing more. That doesn’t mean Pemphero doesn’t give her time to discover her artistry and record. Pemphero has the right to jealously guard his artist in an industry where promoters and business gurus want to exploit artists. This has nothing to do with him hindering her from creating new material. Case in point is the Khalidwe song which featured legendary Giddess Chalamanda. This song was recorded under Pemphero’s management and we can all agree that it was an instant hit.

The post is getting too long now let me summarise. Keturah the brand is where it is because of Pemphero. The endorsement deals and international recognition are all partly because Pemphero is tirelessly working behind the scenes. Let’s not discourage Pemphero, let’s encourage him to sign more artists if he can.

Harvey Mzati

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