Entertainment News

Faith Mussa to perform at Global Forum on Illicit Financial Flows and Sustainable Development

Faith Mussa is today on Wednesday, 2 and Thursday, 3 September scheduled to perform at Global Forum on Illicit Financial Flows and Sustainable Development Forum.

Starting from 6pm, the event will be held virtually via online platforms such as Facebook.

According to Faith Mussa’s manager Samuel Chiwaka, IACC had a great idea in combining debate with music to unify the fight against corruption.

He said, “They appreciated this approach very much and have integrated a one-hour live music stream on both days of their online event. When looking into the past Fair Play Winners, they came across Faith Mussas wonderful performance of Don’t Run Away.

“They have indicated would be thrilled to introduce an award-winning musician in their music programme.”

The event has been organized by The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.

MRB Reporter

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