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Gwamba is what Lil Wayne is. Gwamba is to Malawi as Lil Wayne is to the USA

Gwamba opened doors for many artists in Malawi….Just like Wayne.

At a time when Chichewa rap was for a select few; Gwamba arguably opened the dooor wide for these many cats.

Just like Lil Wayne; Gwamba changed the rap game. His wordplay. Just like Lil Wayne.

Lil Wayne is a rapper that sends mixed views to many.

When he rose to fame, he was often criticised for killing hip hop. Many hip hop heads thought of his lyrics and rhymes as silly and childish. The same was the perception rendered to Gwamba.

In 2018; Lil Wayne won the prestigious ‘ I am Hip Hop BET Award’.

Decades. Takes decades for people to appreciate his achievements.

Truth be told; we can’t rule out Gwamba’s impact to the Mdubz hip hop scene.

MRB Reporter

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