Entertainment News

Endless 265 rescues artists on live streaming demands

By Harold Kapindu..

In a bid to meet the growing demand of live streaming services, Endless 265 Studio has upgraded by procuring professional broadcasting equipment.

In an interview, Endless 265 Marketing Executive Ezelina Kamaliza said the firm has managed to procure live streaming equipment that can take up to fourteen professional studio cameras.

“We noticed that most artists are hosting live streaming concerts using amateur equipment. We have therefore upgraded to meet the growing demand of professional live streaming services due to Covid 19 restrictions,” Kamaliza revealed.

Kamaliza added that the firm is also supplying live feed to Television stations.

“We are using professional broadcasting equipment. The quality is not compromised,” she assured.

She stressed that the firm is aiming at providing quality services for both artists, corporate world and organizations.

Endless 265 Studio has previously worked with Airtel Malawi, Timveni Child and Youth Organization, Plan International, VSO and Qoncept Creative.

“We were part of the team live streaming the presidential engagement on International Youth Day. They subcontracted us to live stream President Chakwera’s engagement with the youth on the day,” she added.

Established in 2016, Endless 265 also produces TV programs, documentaries, corporate films, graphic designing and animations among other services.

Since the implementation of Covid 19 restrictions, the crisis has taken its toll on artists welfare across the globe including Malawi.

Kamaliza further noted that the crisis has prompted artists to get creative and find ways of keeping their fans entertained.

One artist who has also been affected by Covid 19, Suffix emphasised on the need for artists to adapt and think outside the box.

“We are no longer allowed to do concerts. It’s been close to 5 or 6 months now. But, people still need to be entertained whilst in their self quarantine zones,” Suffix said.

MRB Reporter

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