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Lady Pace is a female Hip-Hop artist who has remained consistent and relevant in the Rap game for a long time.

Her real name is Mwai Mphande and she is originally from Mzuzu.Lady Pace released her first hit song “Solo” when she was only 16 years old.

Lady Pace released ‘Mkadzi Moto’ album in 2017, which wasbasically about Gender Based Violence (GBV) and girls empowerment.

Commenting on this, she said T/A Kachindamoto of Dedza inspired her to do the album after she nullified over 300 marriages in her area.Lady Pace was once managed by Trap Entertainment.

Lady pace is a sister to Carbon Coustic (Benghazie) whom she featured on her song “Vibe”.

Apart from making music, Lady Pace is into making comedies.

She actually thinks she is good at cracking jokes.

Ican’t say much about this you can check out her videos on her page.

If you wanna get Lady Pace a drink, buy her ‘Hunters Dry’, shewill definitely fall for you. ” Mutuvwa Cha” which is a Tonga word which means ‘You don’t listen’ is the last single Lady Pace released before going out of the country.

Arguably, Lady Pace is one of the best Female MC’s in the urban music circles and she regards herself as the first notable female rapper from the North.

MRB Reporter

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