
Is Chizmo A better artist than Malinga?

Jokes aside, Chimzo is not a better artist than Malinga.

At least , not yet. Is Chizmo talented ? Yes very talented . But we can’t compare him to a proven artist like Malinga who has hit songs and has been on top of his game for more than 5 years.

Why the sudden hype around Chizmo then? I will tell you why. It’s because everyone loves an underdog .

Chizmo has been in the background despite his talent whilst his crew mate Eli Njuchi has been in the limelight.

This has prompted people to jump on the Chizmo’s bandwagon. It’s a psychological game to be honest whereby people somewhat gravitate towards someone who is seemingly an underdog.

Chizmo is good . He has a long way to go to be compared to Malinga’s illustrious career. Of course , he is better than Don Gogo aka Mady P


MRB Reporter

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