

By Chigomezyo, MRB Analyst.

It is not a hollow talk, but it is an open fact. Namadingo Mash up’s have been the order of the day in many households across the country recently.

Reaching every corner from Nsanje to Chitipa, in the process, this has helped to popularise these songs among today’s generation.

Most of us have grown up during the time when the mighty Music Splash was the major music video show on MBC, formerly known as Television Malawi (TVM).

At the time, TVM boasted of being the only TV station in the country, automatically making Music Splash a monopoly of secular music videos show.

This left no room for choice from viewers, especially those who did not possess the precious DSTV decoder.

For musicians having their songs screened on this show, it was a guarantee that soon they will be famous.

Music Splash was the home of trending as well as hot music videos in Malawi music industry at the time. I will calk this the Music splash era or generation.

Now came the dillema generation. The consumers (viewers) have a wide range of products (TV stations to watch) to choose from, with all of them competing for the few Malawians who own TVs.

The once all mighty Music Splash was practically decentralized. The cake it once use to eat all alone, now it is shared among other secular music videos shows.

To make things worse, the wave of change in preference of music influenced by the west among the youth created the necessity for the birth of other music shows like Touching Base (which has list its popularity as well).

With time the love of songs such as those of Billy Kaunda and Lucius Banda deteriorated.

They remained known among the Music Splash generation and the musicians known as legends among the dilemma generation.There was a need for a bridge to connect these two generations.

In Pop music culture, it is a common practice to do remixes or ramakes of the then hit songs. Numerous songs of Madonna, Whitney Houston and many others have ever been remixed.

These people realize that with time, music culture change, production is getting better and better, what people used to listen to in the early 2000’s its not the same music in 2020, they try to adapt with the changing audience hence the remixes for the songs to remain relevant.

Namadingo mash ups provided this bridge. These songs of the so called “Legends” have been in a coma and they needed Namadingo’s mash ups to breathe life into their life machine supported lives to be popular again. No wonder, my 15 year old nephew thinks, Gidess Chalamanda song, ” uyu Line lero mwana ameneyu mwana wanzeru” is Namadingo’s song.

Because of Namadingo’s mash ups, these young lads have had a taste of good old songs in the early 2000’s even 90’s.

All credit to Namadingo.

MRB Reporter

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